QUEZZIE: Hi! Welcome to our site. Well- mostly Z's site, because I don't know how to code. They also do most of the interviews. Why am I here again?

ZENITH: You're here because you're my partner! And I think you have the ability to format better than I do. Anyways, hi! We're Q and Z, and we're here to interview some gods! Now, ideally, I don't think The Judge would really want us doing this, since most gods don't reveal themselves to humans, and it'd be a violation of HIPPA or something, but hey, you don't believe us, right? That's right. Not even my mom remembers the whole thing with time 20 years ago. That's just how confidential this is. But since there's just SO MUCH to learn, I figure I'd write it down somewhere! And what better storage space than the endless expanse of the internet?

QUEZZIE: True... Well, in the meantime, we're setting things up. You can learn more about me and Zenith here!

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We met these gods some time ago, and have a little more info on them! Come check them out!

Combo | Gallus | The Time Jellyfish | [SOUND OF STATIC]/George | The Judge | Mithos

Note: HI!! If you're a visitor to this site, I just want to let you know that I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm a beginner to code, and I still don't understand half the terms in the tutorials. That's why this entire site looks wonky. It's a work in progress! Thank you for your patience, and I hope to get everything up and running soon! (P.S: literally none of this website works on mobile. I'll figure it out soon!)

If you want to learn more about me, or the work this site is based on, go here!