God of Atomic Matter

Appearance A ball of fire with one large brown eye. The eye is about the size of an average human fist, while the rest of the fire can change size depending on emotion. Has no sclerae.

Pronouns Uhhh. Good question. Combo says that it loves pronouns, and thinks they're so cool and isn't it amazing that humans came up with such a societally indicative way of idenitifying themselves? So any I guess, but it especially loves she.

Form of Communication Standard telepathy

Abilities Combo used to be one of the most powerful gods in existence, and had control over all atomic matter in the universe. There was a trial about 20 years back though that made the Judge realized Combo still needed to recover a bit from... everything before having all that power again. So right now it's pretty powerless, but she can still shapeshift! They showed up at me and Q's graduation trying to impersonate a random guy from our hometown.

Personality Combo is possibly the most energetic and friendly god I've ever met. They really have no qualms when it comes to humans or other gods, and are always trying to help others out. They do get lonely easily though, which isn't helped by the fact that nearly every other god in the God Realm is either terrified by him or thinks she's annoying, and that she got separated from her "soulmate" a while back. Recently, they've been rather sober because of that, but she's slowly gaining her energy back I think.



Gallus and Combo are friends, to the extent that they hang out in the same places and tolerate eachother. Gallus knows Combo enough to know when something's off with their behavior, but most of the time just yells at it without any real malice. They have the wildest stories about eachother, neither of which are about to allow the other to tell.


Q was hell bent on making Combo terrified of them during their first meeting, which... I did not like, but hey, I think they're a lot better now. THey have civil conversations instead of making me the middleman!! YAYYYYYY


Me and Combo are friends! They've finally stopped avoiding me, and now we talk and hang out sometimes. Combo gives me pointers on how to use my abilities since they were the original god of atomic matter. And thank god for that, because Q knows I'm... very bad at moderation.

The Mist
