A gif of a jellyfish waving its tentacles in the air

The Time Jellyfish

Appearance:A jellyfish with a clear body and red center (it looks much like a volcano, or if you look at it from another angle, a clover) with long, clear tentacles. You'll know when it's around, (or rather Q will know when it's around) because it prefers to stop time before it appears. It's extremely large, taking up nearly the entire sky. It's tentacles are easily 4 feet across in width, and according to Q, extremely slimy despite the fact that it's never actually in the ocean.

Pronouns:Not sure, but it/its seems to work just fine.

Forms of Communication: Standard telepathy, dreams, attempted murder

Personality: The Time Jellyfish, despite how cool it is, can be very unpleasant to interact with at first. It tried to murder Q twice, and after that, was still extremely reluctant to be anything but arrogant. But it has changed! It's much less murderous now, and you can have an actual discussion with it without it claiming that you're a worthless piece of trash. Despite what it might say, it does have a soft spot for Q, and the first time I got dragged through time, it was very concerned for me.

Abilities: Changing the flow of time, choosing which objects are affected by time, changing the laws of time, stopping time, traversing timelines and destroying them at will, annoying the shit out of Q



Q and the Time Jellyfish's relationship was understandably very tense at first (it gave Q major anxiety) but according to them, after George stepped in, the Time Jellfish stopped trying to kill them and actually started teaching them instead. Q is supposed to the minor god of time, while the Time Jellyfish is the major god of time, so it's sort of a mentor-apprenticeship kind of thing. It checks up on Q every once in a while, esepcially because apparently Q is very emotional in other timelines. Q likes teasing it about its personality, and in turn, it gives deadpan remarks about "duty" or whatever.


This is the god that saved Q from the Time Jellyfish's second murder attempt. Them and the Time Jellyfish are constantly arguing, especially when Q is involved. Since George is immune to the laws of time, they're especially annoying to it. But again, according to Q, The Time Jellyfish and George do have the ability to get along, and are closer than one might expect, especially because they're technically soulmates now. More teasing than actual anger now. (...Speaking of which, when did that happen??)

(Q here. Honestly, I'm not sure, but I think they've been growing closer ever since our trial. The main thing trying to keep them together enough that they don't mess up the universe is The Judge. They're a trio now, which... must be even more terrifying for the other gods. We've got to ask some of them about that. But if it makes you feel a little more settled, I don't think they ever truly hated each other.)

The Judge

The Judge and the Time Jellyfish have known eachother for quite a long period of time. It's mostly just been through the Time Jellyfish overseeing one of the largest laws of the universe, and since it is reluctant to go out of it's role, it didn't really talk to The Judge all that much. It could have also been scared of it! The Judge made the Time Jellyfish have a role in the court at some point though, so The Judge eventually grew fond of it and now they're trying to figure out how to have a normal friendship. Apparently gods are so unbelievably anti-social that it's a terrifying occurence when they want to talk to others.